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Pre-heat the oven to 170 °C


oven 150 °C). Grease a KAISER Home bun-

dt cake tin.


For the hazelnut sponge


the margarine, sugar, vanilla sugar and salt

until white and creamy. Stir in the eggs and

egg white one after another for around 30

seconds at top speed. Combine the flour,

ground hazelnuts and baking powder. Trans-

fer the dough to the prepared tin using a

dough scraper. Bake the cake for about 45

minutes on the middle shelf. Once baking

has finished, leave it to rest on a wire rack.


For the Giotto caramel filling


the chocolate glaze, allow the sugar to

caramelise with water in a pan until gold-

en. Add 150ml milk. Combine the starch

and egg yolk with the remaining milk until

smooth and mix with the boiling milk and

caramel mixture. Bring the mixture to the

boil, stirring all the time and allow to sim-

mer briefly until it reaches the consistency

of a thick custard. Mix the butter and icing

sugar until smooth and stir into the custard.

Fill the butter cream into an icing bag with

a star nozzle. Cut the hazelnut cake in two,

slicing it horizontally slightly lower than its

centre. Place the bottom layer with the cut

surface facing up on a cake board. Pipe the

butter cream in stars around the surface of

the base and place Giotto balls in the gaps.

Halve the physalis and press into the butter

cream. Drizzle the caramel sauce over the

top. Put 2/3 of the glaze in a stainless steel

mixing bowl and place over a bowl of hot

water. Allow to melt while stirring. Remove

the bowl from the bain-marie and stir in

the remaining glaze. Drizzle 3-4 tbsp over

the filling. Place the top half of the cake

with the cut surface facing down on top of

the filling. Spread the remaining glaze over

the cake with a spoon so that it dribbles

down the sides.


To make the garnish:

Place the phy-

salis with the caramel glaze and the Giotto

balls on the chocolate glaze and sprinkle

with cocoa nibs. Allow the cake to cool for

at least 1 hour until the chocolate glaze

has set.

Ingredients (for 22cm tin)

Hazelnut sponge

250g soft margarine

(alternatively: butter), 75g sugar, 1

sachet of bourbon vanilla sugar, 1 pinch

salt, 4 eggs (medium), 1 egg white, 250g

wheat flour (grade 405), 200g ground

hazelnuts, 1 sachet of baking powder

Filling and topping

50g sugar, 2 tbsp

water, 200ml milk, 15g starch (e.g. corn

starch), 1 egg yolk (medium), 100g soft

butter, 30g icing sugar, 2–3 packs Giotto

balls, 2 tbsp caramel sauce, 75g physa-

lis, 125g milk chocolate glaze

For the garnish

(to taste): 6–8 physalis

with caramel glaze, ½-1 packet Giotto

balls, 1 tbsp fine cocoa nibs


butter or margarine for the tin



Inspiration is the stimulus, the trigger and the impetus we need to come up with a creative

idea. It is the spark that lights the fire. At KAISER, Inspiration is the name given to baking pans

that make baking simpler and more reliable, thus providing more space for your ideas and

creativity. Be inspired.


Measuring cup

23 0076 9080

Bundt cake pan

23 0065 9305

Baking spoon

23 0068 6042

Baking and kitchen

scales, digital

23 0076 9042

Dough scraper

23 0068 6011 (28 x 5.5cm)

Decorating and

serving plate

23 0067 0102

Handy tip

3-year guarantee

Made in Germany