recipe image

Espresso Tonic

  • 10 min
    • Preparation 5 min
    • Resting 5 min
Recipe recommendation for WMF Perfection


1 People
  • 40 ml Espresso
  • 150 ml Tonic Water
  • 1 slices Lemon
  • 1 tsp. Ginger syrup
  • 5 Ice cubes


Step 1
Prepare an espresso with your new WMF Perfection and let it cool slightly.
ml Espresso
Step 2
Put some ice cubes into a WMF long drink glass, add chilled tonic water and ginger syrup, then pour the espresso into the glass over an ice cube.
ml Espresso
ml Tonic Water
tsp. Ginger syrup
Ice cubes
Step 3
Garnish with a slice of lemon. Cheers!
slices Lemon