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Lentil quinoa veggie burger

  • 35 min
    • Preparation 20 min
    • Cooking 15 min
Recipe recommendation for WMF Multi Taste Hot Air Fryer


4 People
  • For the patties:
  • 1 Onion
  • 1 Garlic
  • 150 g Red lentils
  • 80 g Quinoa
  • 2 tbsp. Oats
  • 400 ml Vegetable broth
  • 1 tsp. Cumin
  • 1 tsp. Coriander seeds
  • 1 tsp. Oregano
  • 60 g Sunflower seeds
  • 2 tbsp. Fried onions
  • 10 ml Soy sauce
  • 20 ml Worcestershire sauce
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • For the topping:
  • 4 Finn rolls or protein rolls
  • Olive oil
  • Tomatoes
  • Lettuce of your choice
  • Onions
  • Burger pickles
  • Sprouts


Step 1
First, finely dice the onions and garlic for the burger patties and sauté in a pot with a little olive oil for around 5 minutes. Add lentils, quinoa and oats and sauté for an additional 2 minutes. Pour in the vegetable broth, simmer for 5 minutes and let it sit for 10 minutes.
g Red lentils
g Quinoa
tbsp. Oats
ml Vegetable broth
Step 2
Toast the cumin and coriander seeds in a pan until they release their aroma, crush finely in a mortar and add to them to the pot along with the oregano. Toast the sunflower seeds in the pan and crush together coarsely with the fried onions and stir into the lentil quinoa mixture. Season the burger mixture with soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce and add salt and pepper to taste.
tsp. Cumin
tsp. Coriander seeds
tsp. Oregano
g Sunflower seeds
tbsp. Fried onions
ml Soy sauce
ml Worcestershire sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
Step 3
Shape the mixture into 4 thick or 6 thin burger patties and bake on the grill rack using the nuggets function for 18 minutes at 200°C. Drizzle the rolls with a little olive oil and add them to the hot air fryer along with the patties for the last 3 minutes of baking. Garnish the burgers with tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, onions and sprouts and enjoy!
Finn rolls or protein rolls
Olive oil
Lettuce of your choice
Burger pickles