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Peach Melba and Blackberry Coulis

  • 40 min
    • Preparation 10 min
    • Resting 20 min
    • Cooking 10 min
Recipe for Cast Iron


4 People
  • For the Peach Melba:
  • 4 Peaches
  • 150 ml White wine
  • 100 ml Water
  • 100 g Sugar
  • 1 Lemon peel
  • 0.5 Vanilla bean
  • For the Blackberry Coulis & Vanilla Ice Cream:
  • 200 g Blackberries
  • 15 g Sugar
  • 15 ml Lemon juice
  • 300 g Vanilla ice cream


Step 1
Halve the peaches and remove the stones.
For the Peach Melba:
Step 2
In a saucepan, briefly bring water, white wine, sugar, lemon peel, and vanilla bean to a boil. Then add the peaches and let them simmer gently for 6 minutes. Turn off the heat and let them steep for another 10 minutes with the lid closed.
ml White wine
ml Water
g Sugar
Lemon peel
Vanilla bean
Step 3
Set aside some blackberries for garnish. For the blackberry coulis, heat the blackberries with sugar and lemon juice in a saucepan until soft and they can be processed into a thick consistency. Then strain the mixture through a fine sieve to remove the seeds.
For the Blackberry Coulis & Vanilla Ice Cream:
g Blackberries
g Sugar
ml Lemon juice
Step 4
Serve the peaches with blackberry coulis and vanilla ice cream, and garnish with the remaining blackberries.
g Vanilla ice cream