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Ratatouille with Mussels & Chervil Salsa

  • 40 min
    • Preparation 10 min
    • Cooking 30 min
Recipe for Cast Iron like WMF Flavour, 24cm


4 People
  • 1 Yellow zucchini
  • 1 Green zucchini
  • 1 Red bell pepper
  • 1 Eggplant
  • 2 Red onions
  • Olive oil
  • 1 Tomatoes
  • 1 Organic lemon
  • 2 sprigs Rosemary
  • 2 sprigs Sage
  • 2 sprigs Thyme
  • 1 kg Mussel
  • 12 Raw prawns
  • 1 bunch Chervil
  • 1 Mild green chili pepper
  • 1 Lemon
  • Salt
  • Salt and pepper


Step 1
Cut the zucchinis, bell pepper, eggplant, and onions into approximately 1 cm cubes and sauté them in a pot with some olive oil.
Yellow zucchini
Green zucchini
Red bell pepper
Red onions
Olive oil
Step 2
Pour the canned tomatoes over the vegetables and add a piece of lemon zest.
Organic lemon
Step 3
Tie the herbs into a bundle and add them to the vegetables. Season with salt and let it simmer covered for about 15 minutes.
sprigs Rosemary
sprigs Sage
sprigs Thyme
Step 4
Clean the mussels and add them to the pot along with the prawns, then let them cook covered for 5 minutes. TIPP: Before adding the mussels to the Ratatouille, make sure that all the mussels are closed. Discard any mussels that are open or damaged, as they may not be fresh and could affect the taste of the dish.
kg Mussel
Raw prawns
Step 5
Roughly chop the chervil, slice the chili pepper into fine strips, and mix them with the lemon juice to make a salsa. Season with salt.
bunch Chervil
Mild green chili pepper
Step 6
Season the Ratatouille with salt and pepper and serve it with the chervil salsa.
Salt and pepper