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Roasted cauliflower with romesco sauce & lemon tahini

  • 43 min
    • Preparation 10 min
    • Cooking 33 min
Recipe recommendation for WMF Multi Taste Hot Air Fryer


2 People
  • 1 Cauliflower
  • 300 g Pointed peppers
  • 2 tbsp. Tahini (sesame paste)
  • 1 Organic lemon
  • 50 ml Water
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 30 g Smoked almonds (or roasted almonds)
  • 20 ml Mild apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Garlic
  • 1 bunch Mint


Step 1
Separate the cauliflower into small florets and wash the peppers. For the sauce, spread the peppers on the grill plate and roast for 15 minutes using the grill function during the preheating phase. Turn the peppers halfway through the cooking time. In a small bowl, mix the tahini with a little lemon juice and enough water until a creamy consistency is reached.
g Pointed peppers
tbsp. Tahini (sesame paste)
Organic lemon
ml Water
Step 2
Place the roasted peppers on a cutting board, remove the hot skin with a spoon or knife and discard the stem and core. Spread the cauliflower florets on the grill plate, drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Select the nuggets function and bake the cauliflower for 18 minutes until golden brown, flipping the florets halfway through.
Olive oil
Step 3
In the meantime, place the grilled peppers in a food processor along with the smoked almonds, apple cider vinegar, garlic clove and a little olive oil. Blend until a smooth sauce forms. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Spread the romesco sauce on a plate, arrange the roasted cauliflower on top and drizzle with the lemon-tahini sauce. Garnish with mint, and season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
g Smoked almonds (or roasted almonds)
ml Mild apple cider vinegar
bunch Mint