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Rosemary espresso lemonade

  • 1h 05m
    • Preparation 5 min
    • Resting 1h
Recipe recommendation for WMF Perfection coffee machines


2 People
  • 4 Organic lemons, squeezed
  • 150 ml Water
  • 100 g Brown sugar
  • 3 Stalks fresh rosemary
  • 600 ml Tonic water
  • 100 ml Cold espresso


Step 1
Combine the lemon juice, water, stalk of rosemary and brown sugar in a pot and warm over a medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from the hob and leave to cool down. Once cooled, pour into a jug
Organic lemons, squeezed
ml Water
g Brown sugar
Step 2
Add tonic water and cold espresso to the jug and stir. Refrigerate for about an hour until chilled.
ml Tonic water
ml Cold espresso
Step 3
Serve the lemonade with a fresh sprig of rosemary.
Stalks fresh rosemary